500 g puff pastry
200 g chocolate or other sweet
or savory stuffing of your choice
feta cheese, cheese, sausage, vegetables, jam, etc.

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The dough is spread on the desktop. Chocolate is broken into small pieces. You may add chopped nuts of your choice. The dough is cut into pieces with a size of your choice, put it on stuffing and twist in the form of a croissant. Can be smeared edges of the dough with a little egg. Bake at 200-220 C for 10-15 minutes.
5 users
Super! To favorites! Desi Bravo!
Awesome! Instead run to buy croissants children ... Here's an easy and delicious way to obtain them. Bravo, that he shared with us ...
Fast, easy, delicious! Bravo, Desi!
I'm glad you like the recipe girls!
are great - and quick and easy! Immediately Bookmark
Bravo! I put chocolate.
Oleee to know what were delicious. This poprepechena crust ... Mmmmm ... Try not sorry. So I put on one sheet of chocolate and the other sweet.
Desi Bravo, very swift, take pictures if you get a chance!
In favorites! Will try! Desi Bravo!
I only do them too - even this morning tidy panezh with a baking pan of cheese and egg and a baking pan with chocolate filling. Top coat them with egg yolk and sprinkle with sesame salty and sweet with granulated sugar (preferably brown).
how croissants are 1 package puff pastry :)
The number depends on the size of the cut-squares dough.
great kroasancheta, raztochih puff dough and cut into triangles, came out about 30 kroasancheta :)
Quick, easy, delicious :) A part made with cheese and the remaining liquid chocolate that quite poizteche cooks. This, however, we do not want to eat them :)
I do them very often, love them, especially with strawberry jam .. :)