Easter strudel

Submitted by enr on 30 Mar 2010
3 eggs
200 g sugar
100 ml sunflower oil
100 ml milk
10 g baking powder
10 g ammonia soda
1 capsule vanilla
rind of 1 lemon
700 g flour
# For stuffing:
about 1 kg apples
200 g chopped walnuts
200 g sugar
1 tbsp cinnamon
sunflower oil for greasing the pan
powdered sugar for sprinkling
Easter strudel
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Apples are cut into cubes. Eggs are broken down to whiten with sugar. Gradually add the oil and milk. Add ammonia soda, vanilla and lemon zest. Baking powder mixed with flour and gradually add to egg mixture until a soft paste. The dough is divided into eight parts and each hangs in a rectangular sheet with a thickness of 1-2 mm. In the middle of each leaf put stuffing, made from apples, sugar and cinnamon the walnuts. To become a juicy stuffing can be spread over the entire sheet. The sheets were wrapped in rolls and placed in a square tray, pre-oiled at a distance from one another. Shtrudelat bake in a preheated 180 C oven until lightly browned. Still warm, sprinkle with powdered sugar. Cool and cut into pieces. * There are about 32
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30 Mar 2010


I like the recipe and go to *My Favorites*. Will first try with other substances - with the last remaining pumpkin. I think that will be interesting.

I liked the recipe, but I think the filling is liquid chocolate :)

I guess it will be interesting to experiment with different filling. Personally, I first do it and decided to stick to the original recipe. I'll be glad if you share how you received with pumpkin and liquid shtokolad. Thank you in advance!