250 g softened butter
180 g sugar
1 tsp salt
1 Bourbon vanilla pod
5 eggs
500 g flour
3 tsp baking powder
200-250 ml milk
# For tseluvchenata glaze:
4 egg whites
1 tsp limontozu
150 g sugar
500 g currants or nectarines

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Turn oven to 180 C. Beat the butter with the sugar and Bourbon vanilla. Add eggs one at a time into the mixture and beat. Mix flour with baking powder and breaking it alternately with milk added to the mixture. The dough should not be too liquid, so that you can use only 200 ml milk. Spill evenly in pan and smooth. If you use nectarines: Cut nectarines into slices and arrange on top fan. Bake in a hot oven 40-50 minutes Beat the egg whites of hard snow with sugar and limontozuto. Pour the mixture over the cake tseluvchenata. Back in the oven for 10-20 minutes and bake just until the top is golden glaze color. If you use currants: Bake in a hot oven 25-30 minutes. Beat the egg whites of hard snow with sugar and limontozuto. In 2/3 of the egg white mixture, pour cleaned from stems French grapes. Pour mixture tseluvchenata on the cake back in the oven and bake for another 25-30 minutes. Remove the cake and add the rest tseluvchena mixture and go back in the oven for 10 minutes bake just until top is golden glaze color. Cut into squares and serve with mint. * I used nectarines, because still currant or black currant is not ripe.
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Magazine Wohnen & Garten 6/2011
I was able to make the original recipe. Yesterday as I was returning from work one vedyah zhenichka to sell plastic cups currants and took the last two, as compensation weights completed with raspberries.
and I do cake with peach glaze and such, but perhaps currants (currant) will be particularly tasty, and your picture, Marinka is great :)
Marina, dear, obviously we are on the same wavelength! While looking for what to do cake for the birthday of Patrick, I came across a recipe almost identical to yours! And I decided to do just that dissuaded me that almost no one likes so much tseluvchenata crust (except me;) I do not know whether marshes is the same, but in my marshes broil on marshes put currant pudding on it vanilla, top tseluvcheniyat snow and bake again. We looked at how it was. If enabled, you will get a picture; although slightly different, there is no sense to be published separately.
Again, you ask a stupid question, but how it looks Bourbon vanilla and can be replaced ...? Today my daughter's birthday and I like Aliana looking cake what to do ... Thanks ...
Lily, you first happy birthday girl! Is alive and well! Vanilla is a long pod, like green beans, but thin and black. Inside no beans, a seeds, very tiny. Around them is soft, dense core. The hull is cut to length and knife scraped the inside, the mixture of seeds and core looks like a brown-black mess. But the aromatic pod itself. If cooked in cream, in milk, etc., it very intensely flavored. I put her in a large jar with sugar and so do vanilla sugar. If you do not have or can not afford a real vanilla, access vanillin. I personally have access, but two pods cost about 6 euros here and not buy them often. Otherwise, I think this is the most noble aroma, incomparable!
Thank Aliana, for the good wishes and as always for rapid response. Here with us only once I've seen a vanilla pod, but there powdered core and seeds, if I put this powder half teaspoon well you will be or very. And I have vanilla sugar. Which is better? Thank you ...
I have not seen crushed, but if that which is flavored vanilla sugar etc. Oetker, then half a teaspoon is very on top of the knife should be ideal. Put first a little and try the dough if you think that is not enough, put a little time and stir. Come success :) And happy holiday!