500 g fine filo pastry sheets
200-300 g feta cheese
3-4 eggs
250 ml soda water or lemonade
100-120 g sunflower oil or margarine or butter

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One in a peel and crush a ball and lining up in oilfree pan tightly to each other. Sprinkle top with crumbled feta cheese as slightly unsettling sheet pass the feta cheese and between them. Sprinkle with the oil or put a little butter. Beat eggs with carbonated water and the bay. Bake in preheated oven until ready. Once removed the banitsa, as in the tray turns hanging upside down on 3 jar. So stand until cooled down.
2 users
pie is great but there is a detail which is very important, first baking pan covered with a little of the mixture / cheese, eggs, soda and fat / otherwise pie is perfect
In this manner of arrangement of the sheet does not need to be greased baking pan with a mixture as you say. The mixture itself reaches the bottom.
Very tasty and easy pie. Sprinkled with sesame top it off. I rectangular baking pan, turn it over four bowls.
quick and easy pie I have not done so far :) But I did not dare to put it to *hang* because the cheese began to fall. I think next time I sprinkle a little Cheese on each crust and then it curled above will put more cheese. Due to the lack of soda, made with milk topping and a pinch of baking soda.
Sunny, you can sprinkle on the cheese rinds and then smash them and orders in the baking pan. And just hanging charm :) is this pie, so do not miss it. In case you can put a baking pan under the inverted pie, so if rain ...: P
Exactly, and I so I think next time I sprinkle on the cheese rinds and so to smash them. :)
The recipe is very easy and very successful. Bravo!
Thanks! Indeed, there is no mistake! :)