500-600 g chicken meat without bones (whatever you prefer)
500 g mushrooms mushrooms
3-4 leeks
1 large carrot
1 large red bell pepper
2 large tomatoes
sunflower oil, salt, pepper, sugar
250-300 g pasta - I use fettuccine
optional: cheese or cheese

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Cut the meat into chunks and season with salt and pepper. Mushrooms cut into slices, sliced leeks, carrot julienne peppers and diced tomatoes, the tomatoes may Strain. In a saucepan with a little oil (sunflower oil) fry chicken until acquire a golden color and subtract away. Add a little more fat, put the mushrooms, carrots and peppers, smothered under cover until soft (I braise until mushrooms become slightly golden). Add leeks 1/2 cup hot water, salt and also stew until soft, as if necessary, add more water. Returns chicken. Put the tomatoes, 1 tsp sugar, depending on how you want your stew is thick add hot water, I put 1-1 and 1/2 cup Stew over low heat about 30 minutes. Boil pasta according to directions. In one part of a deep dish pour pasta, pour with sauce stew, optional top grate cheese / feta cheese. In the other part of the plate pour the stew. * These products are enough for 4-6 servings. * Instead of pasta can be served with mashed potatoes, cooked rice or just to eat freshly baked bread.
1 user
Deliver me pleasure to read the recipe! Clearly, precisely, accurately described and explained. I'm sure it is delicious. Tomorrow will do anyway wondering what to cook.
Aliana, thank you for your trust! Hope you like it. Make this stew of years, but today I decided to garnish with pasta because my husband loves and get tasty, so I decided to share it here :) upload photos, but still waiting for approval from the admin-a.
It was very, very tasty stew! Bravo! Made *almost* exactly the recipe, only mushrooms I was half and someone had eaten the last pepper, but not admitted :) But I put chilies and became fiery yummy! The paste is a glass of mung because they eat cereals.