1 and 1/4 cup sugar
1 cup honey
1/2 cup butter
1 cup liquid pastry cream
1 tbsp ground ginger, cardamom and cloves
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1 tsp cinnamon
1 cup ground walnuts
5 cups white flour
10 g baking powder
peel of 1 lemon and 1 orange

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Molten butter, sugar and honey are heated over low heat until a homogeneous mixture. Cool, add cream, spices the walnuts and mix everything until turns white. Add flour with baking powder, leaving less for the rolling out thereof. Blended into a smooth dough, put it in a plastic bag and leave to rest in a cool night. Roll out the dough very thinly on a floured surface and cut into various shapes. Cookies bake on a greased tray with butter or baking paper on no more than 5 minutes at 200 C. Cool slightly and peel off from the tray. Cookies are moistened with royal icing recipe that: Коледни cookies with royal icing . Can sprinkle with different decorations for cakes. Arranged in cans, in each box put an apple, cut into four. Christmas cookies are ready to eat after a few days when tender (apples). It is good to be prepared in the beginning of December, because the longer you stay, the more beautiful they become.
6 users
Wonderful Christmas offer. Certainly will smell amazing. Will test them. I loved it and containment ... with apple. Bravo!
really amazing smell and taste are wonderful. Thanks for the comment!
For the royal icing: 3-4 pc. proteins
4 cups castor sugar
few drops of lemon juice
alimentary dye (optional)
Cut into small pieces of butter are placed in a bowl and hands confused with sieved flour, powdered sugar and salt until crumbs form. Add slightly broken yolk and vanilla (if vanilla powder is sifted to the flour and sugar) and knead the dough. Turns with transparent wrap and place in refrigerator to harden for about 2-3 hours. The oven was heated to 180 C. The dough is divided into two parts. One is left in the refrigerator, and the other is rolled at a thickness of 3-5 mm. With cutter cut cookies and place them in the baking pan. Bake about 10 minutes (until the edges begin to change color). Taken out of the oven and immediately removed from the baking pan.
Royal icing is prepared by froth eggs with lemon drops. Was then added and the sifted powdered sugar and stirred with a mixer until smooth and shiny mixture. Part of the glaze is stained with paint. Once the sweet cool, using a small brush (for painting) is applied glaze. Before served cookies, icing must be hard.
I just baked them and I hasten to express my compliments! Are amazing and smell so wonderful. Along with quietly flowing out snezhets create a unique Christmas atmosphere! Balagodarya recipe!
I am twice -dovolna that with my recipe paid in your home Christmas mood. Today and I do them for the second time this year. Happy Holidays!
Great recipe, thank you very much for it! Actually my cookies are not very ginger;) because I put other spices have a ready-mix and easier. Packaging wrote: cinnamon, anise, fennel (fennel seeds), allspice, nutmeg, cloves.
recipe is perfect! Each year must prepare them :)!
Thank you, Nelly! Look great cookies! Happy Holidays from us! :)
They became great and very tasty. I enclose a photo.
were very tasty, and this year :) 2 doses do just that this royal icing do not get and do them with chocolate
became very delicious - now remains to decorate and to rest for a bit of flavor! For my tastes are pretty sweet and I think next time I reduce the sugar.