1 kg cleaned and washed mussels
2 tbsp butter
3 cloves chopped garlic
1 tbsp paprika
zest of 1 lemon
2 cup white wine
pepper, salt
bunch green onions

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Clean and wash the mussels well. In a saucepan, on low melting the butter and fry the garlic in it and the finely cut onions. Then add pepper and lemon peel. Stir well and after 2-3 minutes pour the wine. Seasoning with salt and pepper. Increasing the level of cooking, sandwiching the pan with a lid and boil when all add mussels. After 2-3 minutes, stir mussels and continue to cook. After another 2-3minuti only add chopped parsley. Throughout cook lidding cover. Shake the pan back on the stove and to dogotvi until dissolved mussels.
1 user
I tried it, very tasty; heme used frozen mussels having no such shell, did not I waited several days for the largest market in Spokein. Imagine how deliciously with whole clams. Thanks for the recipe. I've mussels with wine before, but the peel of lemon give fantastic taste!
I am glad that I liked:) 0