Ladoux - traditional (Ladoo)

Submitted by enr on 26 Feb 2009
450 g flour of chickpeas
1/2 cup Gee or melted butter
200 ml condensed milk or coffee cream
2 cup water
120 g almonds, without flakes
100 g pistachios
2 tbsp crushed cardamom
1 tsp turmeric
1 generous pinch of saffron
150 g raisins
fat frying
Ladoux - traditional (Ladoo)
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A few tbsp of water and heat in them dissolve saffron stamens , broken into small pieces. Back to all the water. Flour, melted Gee, milk, turmeric, saffron and water are confused and broken. A liquid, but thick batter. Heat the oil for frying, at least 2-3 inches deep and not very hot, and the dough is poured through a strainer, so dripping in fat to form small parzhenki. Thus all fry batter. Leave parzhenkite to drain. In the same oil fry the almonds and pistachio for about 2 minutes. Draw and in the fat fry the raisins until swell. Take out and drain. Nuts are finely ground, are added to them and parzhenkite that also digest. To the mixture was added cardamom and raisins, and mixed. From the resulting mixture pellets are made as apricot. * Turmeric and Saffron color. Who does not like them, can stain the dough with 1/4 tsp yellow paint for food. * In no sugar recipe. Raisins and fresh taste. Therefore balls can be rolled in sugar, flavored with lemon or orange peel. * This is a sample recipe. Common to all laddu are yellow color and chickpea flour.
1 user
26 Feb 2009
Fanclub Shah Rukh Khan


Ay, Ay how perfectly this temptation :)

turmeric, cardamom and saffron give this sweet ekzoti4en color and taste very deliciousdeserve their labor, and they are very fast