Batter with soda

Submitted by enr on 03 Feb 2008
300 ml carbonated water
2 eggs
2 pinches of sugar
pinch of salt
Batter with soda
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Eggs are broken down with sugar and salt, add soda and flour, to obtain a Pan-cake dough. With a ladle to scoop the mixture into heated pan and fry pancakes.
4 users
03 Feb 2008


Women approximately how much flour goes. Excuse me for asking -otiva to Favorites.

can you clarify how flour is necessary

They became very nice and soft. I did a double dose, but using 50% milk 50% lemonade.

Flour put as to thicken and get roughly resembling a mixture boza :)

I know the rule that the first pancake never gets, but the second was a nightmare (I told myself that I will not cope well with my other creations, but with the third:) pancake was already something else and so until the end (he came too quickly :). I was already sure of his abilities and did another dose of my mother in law and my husband's brother (we can mention a good day:) The recipe is very, very successful, as my husband liked them very much :) and told me to do about a hundred :) are great. Try them, you will not regret it.

roksana555, if the first batter you do not get better - after stirring the mixture leave it for 5-10 minutes, then mix with a spoon and use and also wait for the pan to warm up to the correct temperature - if it is -slab stove (also heated) pancakes dry, so the first is wrong.

xevi, thanks for the advice. perhaps not really waited enough to heat the pan. as they say *quick work of master-shame* :)

great! thanks for the recipe