2 cups rice, basmati best
3 olives
soy sauce
# For decoration:
1 ready pancake
paint for food

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1 cup rice is boiled with 2 cups water and salt. The other 1 cup rice is boiled with 2 cups water, salt and soy sauce for color. Dark rice with wet hands shape teddy bear from his world is made muzzle, belly, ears, optional and paws. Make a bed of salad in which the bear put to sleep. Wind up with the pancake, which is optional and decorates them with food dyes. Olive cut nose, and stripes for the eyes and mouth. Julienne must be thin to be retained, since they can be pressed against the person splits up. * made by me decoration is an example. Anyone can make another.
3 users
Great idea for garnish! :)
And I loved it, especially for children. But surprisingly they decided they would leave him to sleep:-) Photos are placed, perhaps tomorrow we will see.
BRAVO! Amazing idea! I look forward to the photos. E-be-is why I have no grandchildren yet ...
Rally, very Sweet teddy bear! I would also let him Spink. What you child will resist that bear ...
Splendor, no words! RALLY BRAVO!
Just no words! Bravooooooooooooo!
EEEEEEEEEEEEE bravo, it already borders on art :))
Eee, another surprise! Soon my son's birthday, and I will prepare this teddy bear as a surprise for the children Supeeeer.
If you do not like soy sauce (and I do not go to any meal) instead of coloring the half rice, take 1 h. H. Natural rice rough. He is dark. Boil a little longer, maybe 4-5 minutes.
Uauuuuuuuuuu, very beautiful :) bc Rally Super idea! Just no words! Bravo dear!
Thank you, Vesi, and other thank you for the compliments, but the idea is not mine, and just making pictures unfortunately poor. I saw it in a Japanese site.
great bear directly'm delighted you. Familiar with a lot of cooking, straight'm delighted you (may speak TI) Sorry
How do you wake up this Male? Bravo, Raleigh! Great performance. For convenience, if someone does not have paint for food patterns of the Rhodope blanket can be made by alternating strips of roasted red and green peppers and white pattern - of grated cheese. Question of fantasy.
Look, cheese instead of white rice I had not thought! Well, so speaking, all bear may be other products. I saw rice and so did we love rice. But surely it with mashed potatoes and belly and muzzle of cheese?
This teddy bear dressed it, Shrovetide. Became great. All impressed ...
Super! Rice you do it? Or replace products? Do you have pictures?
I made a golyayayamo bear. Body colored rice with soy sauce. Head, ears, hands and feet with potatoes Cheese. Abe became a mix of products. And especially two suites in one. Photos of sazhelenie not. I do not have a suitable device for this.
Great idea! And it will try!
Very sweet and original teddy bear!
very original! BRAVO! And I tried to do it, did not do so well! great idea!
Bravo Rally super idea! Bear is great :)
Maggie, You have done great. Bear is very nice. bravo!
I find that the bear's very sweet, Maggie, and that got it right! Tablets exactly this is the charm of such an idea - that each individual makes.
thank you rally! Yet your work is awesome! BRAVO
wonder! what else to say! :)
The idea is incredible! Very original, well done! I want to ask about the white bear, added by BABY, what it is made brown sauce in which sleeping bear?
Mary, this reminds me of sauce stew with potatoes. Click on the picture and you'll see it better. :)
Hey, this is super straight! Bravooo:-)
comes to fondle me, very warm performance. His great!
Big beauties have added girls. Congratulations!
This is art ...
Nelly, bravo! Very nice teddy bear you did!
surprise your guests tonight. Made to each guest bear with cucumbers and tomatoes, and became as zalatka as began to mesh. Bravo a good idea ... Tomorrow I will upload photos ... :)
I am very glad that you had the benefit of the idea. I'm excited to see the photos:-)