1 package Instant noodle (1 serving)
1 carrot
4 tbsp sour cream
4 tbsp mayonnaise
2 boiled eggs

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In the salad bowl put mayonnaise and cream . Confusion. Dry (do not boil!) Instant noodle crush and add them to the cream and mayonnaise. Add the dry spices Instant noodle. Confuse and set aside. Peel the boiled eggs and cut them into cubes. Chop finely garlic and grate the carrots on a grater. Add all this to the pasta. Stir well and leave to marinate for 30-40 minutes. * Instant noodle having a dry block and sold with package spices inside the packaging. Usually prepared as flooded with hot water and then mixed with spices or boiled for a few minutes. In this recipe benefit directly from the pack - dry.
11 users
What are Instant noodle?
Instant noodle having a dry block and sold with package spices inside the packaging. Spices are the most different, I make this salad by using flavored chicken. Spaghetti themselves become ready very quickly-if you boil them for 2-3 min., Some people just smashing them with a cup of hot water after a few minutes as tender consumed. Sold everywhere, I personally bought Choice, the most delicious.
interesting proposal. And it sounds very tasty. I do like these spagetki love and raw to eat a few - I like how nibble. I'm sure that this salad will like it.
Oh, I have a bite of raw.
Thanks for the detailed explanation:-)
Please :) Here you go again.
salad is very nice. I put it to the custom section (no one knew what was in it - only carrots spoil the surprise:-) to me was salty (this is the seasoning for pasta), so do not put the whole bag at once like me, but gradually.
Great saaalatka. Now do it twice a week, my son was in vaztorg, and he was 18 not mistaken EASY
Good, I'm glad! My husband unscramble before his beloved Russian salad and he is a traditionalist. And now increasingly ask for and regularly do with it.
I remembered how delicious:-)
Very nice picture, Elti!
Very good recipe. Ham delicious, yet relatively inexpensive let alone that does not require much time for preparation. Regularly I'm doing and I have no complaints from users / my husband and children /. Once again thanks to the author.
Big salad - fast, easy and very very tasty! I made two doses by heeding the advice of Elti and put only one packet of dry spices. Thank you, Nelly!
I'm glad you liked it :) So I would not be crushed salt spagetkite and before adding the remaining ingredients are poured spices. Stir good and thus is uniformly distributed, it is not salty. But of course, and less than spices to put. :) Who as preferred.
Quite often we prepare - and we became a favorite.
I am very glad, Elti, that they like about you. I'm not produce it long ago, but now you remind me :)
Today I made it, it's great. My husband looked at with suspicion, but her experience much like it. me, personally, a little heavy, but he said he thought it well. Will try next time instead of mayonnaise to put yoghurt.
A great salad out. I replaced the cream with yogurt. Personally, I will add the other way and walnuts.
Tomorrow a friend coming to visit and I'm going to surprise her with this salad. I plan to replace the mayonnaise with strained yogurt and this time will add boiled corn. The idea with walnuts also like it.
Very tasty salad last night finally came and order! Personally, I added shredded cheese, in particular that of yogurt and add finely chopped parsley (garlic missed)! :)
Wonderful salad! Not only is it delicious, but quickly made!
Nelly, thanks for the delicious recipe - and us we like salad. Will prepare gladly continue - rapid and irregular tolerate and improvisations :)
I am very glad that you liked the salad :) Thanks for all the nice comments and ideas to share, and I think to try some of them and prepare it differently. Very appetizing snimchitsi have added. :) I always do with it with two packages spagetki with a large pot of cream and a mayonnaise, put 5-6 eggs.
Nelly salad is great! Fast, easy, delicious! While he served on the table, said - NO SMOKE me. :)
I'm glad my dear that you delicious :) Happy Holidays!
And with walnuts is great. Very tasty retseptichka.
Very interesting salad. I liked how you get will make it again. :)