400 g feta cheese Parmesan

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Grate circles of the feta cheese on baking paper, placed in the tray. Put in the oven to melt. While still warm, put the circles on the cups or bowls, do not dooformyane fingers, let's form is arbitrary. When the cheese cool, you will have spectacular baskets that can fill with salad.
Very easy
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Well done, many karasivi will try them mandatory. Many obi4am parmesan use it po4ti of vsi4ki dishes.
And I really like Parmesan, I was a guest on a Bulgarian who lives in Italy, loves to cook and we had prepared rice with Parmesan .. something very simple, but it was magnificent. Today I wanted to buy a whole package, but when I saw the price ... gave up :(
A cheese will work?
Yes, akva7, going from plain cheese. Image to the recipe for *Iranian chicken fillets with honey sauce* you can see them (they are made of cheese type Vitosha again shredded, but the stove - in dry Teflon pan). Be careful with the baking time - if shorter cheese snag a cup (with Dot), and if it prepechesh more - becomes brittle and not take the shape of the cup.
Wonderful idea. I'll try to do this basket