1 hard-boiled egg
2 sticks
10 brown olives pitted
strips of leek

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Boiled egg cut in half lengthwise - to receive two islands. On each half is cut out a little from the bottom side of the egg white - to allow the island to stand stably. In the center of the yolk is soletata pins - this is palm. It stringing 5 olives. Julienne leeks, long a span (6-7) tied a low knot at one end. This unit is placed on top of soletata and tied together - these are the leaves of the palm.
1 user
Easter is coming and will have a lot of eggs. To remind you what you can prepare from broken eggs.
There are pictures - waiting for approval.
Very interesting and original!
Very Sweet, congratulations!
Ilcha1234, I'm glad that you like the eggs!
reni55 are great ... Everyone would like them. Greetings
with a great idea! Upload photos, when he tried for the first time. I recommend using wooden skewers instead soletki for stems of palm trees especially if you prepare in advance for guests, as soletkite quickly soften and are likely palms be *assigned* by a tropical storm :). I added a little mashed potatoes for the attachment of the *islands*.