5 liters of water
2 cup flour
2 cup sugar
# For starters:
1 cup boza
# or
6-7 moistened and crumbled slices of wholemeal bread or biscuit

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Flour Bake until pale pink, taking care not to burn (stir during baking). Dissolve in a little lukewarm water. The thus obtained mixture was poured into a vessel with the remaining amount of water and put on fire. Add the two cups of sugar and stirred until it boils. Keep boiling is mixed for 5-6 minutes. Withdraw from heat, cool and then dosipva or 1 cup boza, or 1 cup from home-made ferment, or slices of bread or bread dough. Court 2-3 days to ferment in a warm, then pour into bottles and store in the refrigerator. * 24.10.2013 - This mode was set in the recipe, but there are two unsuccessful attempt grip the starter. If you try to write a review. Here is how: 1-2 tbsp toasted flour was suspended in 1 cup lukewarm water and add 1 tbsp sugar. Leave in a warm place for 2-3 days it rise from time to time, gently stirring.
4 users
I did half the dose did yeast and in this recipe but do not get to ferment is necessary to add little dry yeast in my opinion.I use ready fermented starter failed attempt Боза (Turkey) From my cooking I added in a little sugar, 1 vanilla, a little cinnamon and a little salt to taste and half a cup of starter, after boiling and cooled pretsedih I added another 1/2 cup yeast, stirring and left to ferment.I put the bottles in the refrigerator.The taste is amazing and slightly sour-sharp, sorry I did half a dose.Success for the good result of boza obviously starter.
Boza is the taste of boza that drank from past real sharp delicious and amazing. Toasted flour + vanilla +cinnamon have combined very well.
steffanell, very glad that you received :)
Thanks xevi. Do a second dose boza Friday will be a Bulgarian company and will be a surprise, this time replaced the white sugar with brown integral (diet) and color became deep brown.
And our get well with yeast from Боза (Turkey) . Reconstitution of flour in the water helped him with blender - no lumps remain and not any stirring is required. Less sharp, but I left one day without her eye on, and had just begun the process. Will her drink with pleasure :)
Preparing starter with toasted flour, water, sugar, yeast-free might work. On the same principle as for Селски leavened bread - do your own yeast, and do not use ready and taste is different because they are other bacteria. I think you will have to go through the process twice, as with sourdough bread and the proportion of water / flour is different from the set here - 1-2 tablespoons water instead of 1 cup Will try more dense and less (as in the recipe) and write the result.
And my get, again with a starter of Turkish boza. And to me is a bit nippy and next time will leave it to ferment a little longer (this time held her out 3 days).
I could not pinch yeast thus, sugar + toasted flour and water and I could not catch sourdough bread, I hope that someday I will be glad of that success. Boza have in the fridge for a company and really enjoy them.
For fast fermentation I do so when I add sugar, vanilla and cinnamon and add 1 pm. H = 250 ml ready serves. boza, stirring and then cooling the vial with boza in cold water when it reaches to 37 g. add another 1h. h. boza. At the first cup boza added -zakvaska already boza has a slightly sour taste. This is about half the dose boza.
slower rising of the dough with yeast (about 25C or room temperature) develop better taste, I think that the same principle is applicable and shit, so if I have time, I prefer to leave the process to develops more slowly.
Unfortunately grip the starter as given in the recipe and I do not get. I tried it exactly as the recipe - toasted flour settle to the bottom of the cup and after several days was leavened. Samples with less water to obtain slurries, precipitated again, but with less water, is not leavened, but do not catch ferment for 10 days. I tried to boil toasted flour with cup of water (as is done based on boza) and in this case I had little success - managed to catch the faintest starter, but he waited more than a week and then failed to yeast large amount of boza (leavened be ). Since a steffanell not received, put this way of doing yeast in a note to the recipe. If someone manages to engage - to write.
I started starter recipe, my stay 1-2 days and 4 goals because I had no time to do :) boza get me the first time, all that they tasted like it!