1 kg of flour
6 eggs
200 g butter or 1: 1 butter and sunflower oil
200 g sugar
1 cube of yeast
250 ml milk
zest of 1 lemon or essence
1 tbsp rum
almonds for decoration
1/3 cup raisins
pinch of salt
1 egg white

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Sift the flour into a deep bowl. Separately with a mixer extremely well whisk the eggs with the sugar, add to zest (or essence) and spoon rum. Milk is warmed to a little more than body temperature - must be done within slightly finger. It crushed yeast, add a pinch of salt, 1 tbsp sugar and 1 tbsp of flour and pulls away. In a deep pot, sifted flour forms as well, which pour the egg mixture, milk yeast. Start kneading the dough. Mix well until you obtain a homogeneous mixture. At the beginning will get lumpy, do not be alarmed, it is normal. Simple mixing hard and in the end you will have a normal, decent dough. Depending on the flour you use, and the size of the eggs may not reach your meal, or you stay. The dough should be soft, easy to mix, but does not adhere tightly to the fingers. If you lack flour, simply add as needed. Once involved, the dough is removed from the container and put on a floured table. It is the second part of the action - the introduction of the butter in it. To this end the butter is melted in advance, very careful not begin to fry. In fact, melt easily in a microwave, but you do not have a microwave - it perfectly and stove. Spread the dough with your hands on the table and smeared with melted butter. Cover is an envelope, then again spread on the table. Again is coated with the butter and Cover again and repeat until you do all butter. If the dough starts to stick to the table, sprinkle it with flour. The purpose of this exercise is to obtain many layers in the dough, so as to obtain the classic kozunak - thread. Kneading dough is placed in a larger bowl and leave in a warm place to rise. When surpassed double its volume, proceed to shaping kozunakste. There already all depends on your imagination: that will make them shallow, if a roll - a matter of taste. If you will do roll with jam is well spread marmalade on to Sprinkle crushed walnuts, not to leak through the baking. The form itself is smeared with butter, sprinkle with flour and place it formed kozunaks. Leave to rise as they are formed and then decorate the top with almonds, hazelnuts or whatever you prefer, coated only with beaten egg-white (so I tan), if desired, scatter with sugar and bake. In the beginning was placed in a well-heated oven at 220 C, but after ten minutes decrease 180 and bake for another half hour. You look periodically and if you see it from above began to roast, put aluminum foil, so as not to burn.
79 users
I did it for Easter. Indeed cake of threads and is very tasty. But it is very difficult insertion of fat. For next year will be another procedure. half oil in the dough, polyvinyl will then added. This cake I ate at Transfiguration Monastery.
Well, that's classic and real cake, so it interfere and I was five years. The recipe I got it from my grandmother. There is no room for failure always gets. AUUU that will soon make delicious workout before Easter.
I'll try to do it for Easter, may be obtained. Last year, as a rule, it was delicious, but it was not thread, obviously with the addition of oil'm not cope. I'll try it again!
ton4eto72, see released a topic for cake thread ... there are a lot of good information and good luck :)
Begin it, however, will only do half the dose now. And I'm sure that I receive (ie Easter), and will do all :)
It was great, but I put my delight in it and do it a little damp. Next time will be dry stuffing :) upload photos.
Great, I'll try to do it!
Thank you for the great recipe for Easter will napryavya. Congratulations!
For the first time in my life I made cake. I chose this recipe and applauded by all my family. Already ended and will do another Sunday. Technology introduction and spreading of oil is not fulfilled it exactly and still became superb! Nothing to do with purchased cakes. Congratulations and thanks to Desislava.
incredible cake, I did it three times following instructions Desislava and really no room for failure.Desi many many thanks for the recipe
I like the recipe is not difficult to implement (except for the insertion of fat) and I hope to be successful, and my cake.Now more inflated and ready baked and will write what happened ... because I technology with oil do not exactly have kept only half-dose scored ....
And I did a pelvic cakes recipe.And me me difficult insertion of fat, but almost entrained.And my still rising, but I think it worked perfectly.Many thanks for the recipe.
Very well get the cake, really thread, only sugar seems to me a little, otherwise the recipe is super
Very well get the cake. Upload a photo.Congratulations!I live in Italy and thanks to you will eat cake.Christ is risen!
I used another recipe, but the introduction of the oil made in the description here. The result is very good. Nice Easter to all!
Hello, instead of rum can I put whiskey otherwise have to buy a whole bottle in one tablespoon.
You can put rum extract (sold in small packs) or rum miss entirely. I would not put whiskey - will change the flavor.
This is a great recipe, the cake became excellent eaten still warm yesterday, today made another dose halves. Here is my picture. Thank you there.
Hello, it was a great cake, I had never done anything like that, but for the first time is super. I'll try to put a picture. Greetings to all.
I did it and it was great Blagodaryaza recipe Desi! Jump applauded.
not very good and excellent rating I give this recipe for cake! Became incredibly tasty and really thread! A big thank you, Desi! From now on only this recipe will do :)
Bravo for the recipe for the perfect explanation. Tomorrow will prepare a cake, because again we feel like eating, and to admit the recipe very tempted me. I can not try it. :) Excellent, bravo, bravo ..!
This cake do for years. Always excellent and only polu4avam cheers for him. Boldly put 300 g. Sugar to make it sweeter. Just put lard.
cake became thread but next time I will put it in two forms that come Objectives 2 kg. will apply for Guinness. The recipe is easy to put it in the machine with 100 oil and in the second phase put oil in the described manner!
A great recipe! Make cakes in this recipe 20 years, there are always incredibly delicious, thread, fragrant and sweet. Will bebaking pan my secrets - to become one of the threads is provided to interfere only in one direction; fat - it's good to mix butter, fat and oil, put half as much as in the dough with the remaining oil and knit the cake; in order to make an aromatic - odors Finally, because they are volatile. :)
this is amazing recipe! Yesterday it out and am very pleased :) Just that I did not expect that the dough will become so soft and fluffy for my oven must have a small degree, but do not pregorih and became great so fluffy ... Thank you :)
Please tell me - after it formed after souring, should once again to rise or just stick it in the oven? Please answer fast!
Having been formed was allowed to rise after it has risen with egg and then baked.
I think this recipe to polvam of cake, but I did not understand how to put the essence, the land is in a bottle and he is a Bulgarian no weight ... Help!
I will again use this recipe for cakes for the feast. I was very pleased with the outcome the first time! Put grated lemon peel, not essence, and for yeast in the bottle can not help it ... I use fresh recipe exactly.
I apologize for spelling mistakes lemon juice in a bottle and do not know the weight ...
From the essence put a few drops - up to half a bottle.
It seems easy to make, but I want to ask until bake one side, the other dough prevtasva not you? For that amount I think that will come out at least three the cake.
Thanks for the recipe! For the first time I do this cake and get perfect. Only not figured very well the amount of sugar and not enough out sweet. But the recipe is wonderful and easy - as for me get, and I'm only 17, so anyone can do it! : D
milena75-exactly when I go three the cake! My forms are such that I roast them together three! But may be used baking pan of oven-I think there will gather three-that's my opinion. May and others involved with the opinion :)
Very good recipe. Only I did not understand where they put raisins? Implicated in the cake or decoration?
exclamation me after *scored* oil again you izmesva or letting it *rest* after the final folding?
Desi and I was thinking of the oven baking pan, but I worry that as puffed cakes in baking will stick together, I'm going to try it in the form of cake and roast them one by one, and what happens . The other option, which I rotate the head to do on brioche dough kiflikchi. I'll write tomorrow what I've decided.
tell her how bedroom if baked in the pan and not in shape ... and the souring as form and then in drug & recipes again rise for a doubling / tripling the volume and bake them right here?
Yes Milenka and this can happen. I use unless my form cake-I round and elongated vessels and me from Jena glass have two-round and pravoygalna-sometimes become four and the cake, as are smaller forms. If you are and you-you and there to bake. The idea of buns is very good, and I will do. Will make dose and half of the recipe to stay and buns.
Today I made cake in this recipe and it was very nice, the only thing I'm not very sweet and put sugar as I wrote above 200g. Maybe next year I'll put a little more than sugar. Otherwise interfere easily plunk many stavastrahoten.
really tasty cake! Today I did it and was very well received. And the most important thing that happened thread. Thanks for the nice recipe!
For me, this time was not a lot of threads. But one already over!
I did it today, but I think something messed technology and failed to rise nice, but as I put it in the oven blew, tomorrow will try it, I hope it's delicious.
I have set, not rushed, next time I will leave it to rise and then knitting, otherwise the taste is great / I 250 g sugar. /
And another time I tried it. The result is always one - very good taste and multi-thread! Congratulations for the recipe! :)
And our cakes made them in this recipe. Were superb, delicious and thread. 3 came the cake. I put 300 grams of sugar.
cake, as seen in the picture became great! To share and stuffing that I used: 1, 5 pm. H ground walnuts; 3 tablespoon. l. granulated sugar, cocoa and milk (in a very thick porridge. I was delighted by the taste! Happy Easter to all!
Even excellent recipe, THANK YOU! Perfectly explained everything and that the temperature of baking is very useful. Incredible, life and health next year I will do cake in this recipe! Christ is Risen!
This year I do not I received cakes - were very hard, although it managed to rise very well ... I guess the problem was in the stove - this time were done at home ... However, even after two days were amazing delicious :) I framed them in several ways - upload photos :)