125 g butter
1 egg
1/2 cup powdered sucrose
1/4 cup yogurt
3 cups flour
1 vanilla
pinch of salt
# For the cream:
1 cup milk
1 tbsp flour
2 tbsp granulated sugar
125 g butter
5 tbsp caster sugar
ground walnuts, rum

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Involved soft dough that make balls as hazelnut. They were placed in a preheated press. Bake on both sides, giving press to light brown color. Cream: Fresh milk, flour and sugar are mixed and heated while stirring to thicken. Reconstituted cream to cool. The butter, powdered sugar is broken down to the graying of wildberry cream flavored with vanilla. Then, to this cream is added a little while stirring up the cold milk cream. To the resulting milky cream are added small residues of baked nuts, ground walnuts and rum. Walnut shells filled with cream and stuck so that it gets full nut.
0 users
Many want to buy such press. Here in Varna will.
So it is my very old and I have not seen these presses in stores for confectionery prenadlezhnosti.
1/4 pickled. milk 1/4. h. yogurt or 1/4 yoghurt?