300 g cream cheese Philadelphia
200 g grated cheddar cheese
2 tbsp mustard
2 tsp chili
1/3 cup roasted almonds

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Mix the feta cheese Philadelphia, grated feta cheese, mustard with a mixer or blender, mix with chili. Allow the mixture to cool at least 1 hour in the refrigerator. Shape relatively large cones as you fit in a handful or more. Arrange almonds in rows as they stuck into the cheese balls. Almonds must be met by all countries the feta cheese. Leave again in the refrigerator for 2 hours before serving them. Remove cones 15 minutes prior to fetching. You're going with crackers. Decorate the plate with fir twigs and fruits of hawthorn. * This is interesting appetizer in the form of a cone. Going for Christmas if you add decoration fir sticks glolovi fruits plate and two cones. Preparation time plus 20 minutes to 3 hours in the refrigerator.
0 users
How many grams is a big box Philadelphia cheese?
I have the same question :)
Girls recipe I have not written so ignorantly I just was given to me. As I recall 100 grams. The small package and is great to 300-400. but you yourself can see this in any store. And to judge by a handful how.
Meri_Popins, we ask, because we live in many different places and often the standard of packaging is different. Honestly, I have no idea how the cheese is sold in Philadelphia Bulgaria. A weighing of cheese in hands does not seem so logical and easy.
Dear Ms. Kostova! I apologize. About 300 grams is the package as I think about the recipe needs only 250 years Ivinyavam be inaccurate. Try if you like also email me. Everyone started to write my only criticism ... And I have a new note sorry:) Greetings!
Meri_Popins, the questions are not criticism, and interest to the recipe :) We have rules recipes are written so that everyone in the world, now or next year can prepare them quickly and easily, without unnecessary wondering. This includes packages - just look at the nearest store in BG what diversity is presented after one year how it will be, or if it is not your neighborhood shop - bag, jar, packing too stretch concepts, but are of great importance a successful outcome. We see that his new, but the questions are just questions - and more long we were in the site again asking questions, it happens to someone not watch the rest of something or need clarification, no prejudice :)
Well, thank you then. Just lost my way that criticize. Greetings!
Meri_Popins, thanks for the clarification. As written xevi, not trying to criticize. My friend loves cream cheese and soon will try retseptatan. Greetings!
I hope you like girls!
Even today I will prepare cones