1 cup soda
1 and 1/2 cup yogurt
1 cup cream
1/2 cup sunflower oil
1 cup semolina
1 cup flour
1/2 cup cornmeal
3 eggs
6 g bakpulvar
300 g feta cheese
200 g young nettle

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Nettle wash infused with boiling water and cut into small pieces. The eggs are mixed with a mixer, add soda water, yogurt, cream and the oil. Gradually add semolina, the cornmeal and flour mixed with baking powder in advance. Add the feta cheese, and finally, nettles and mix everything well. Pour into greased and floured previously tray (30 cm diameter) and bake in a preheated 150C oven until golden. Then reduce the temperature to 100C and bake until ready (check with a stick).
0 users
clarifications are put in the recipe :)
In the absence of nettle, can be replaced with spinach, very interesting recipe.
Steffanell, thanks for the comment, it really is.
Something like lazy pie. Interesting recipe and try. :) And nettles, I think, may be replaced with another zeleniyka.
Tillia, thanks for the comment.
And I got interesting! :) Personally, I like a product and appearance that will taste like kishovete in NEDELYA! ;)
Lirinka, thanks for the comment. If you try a recipe, please call me.