1 kg liver (washed and cleaned)
2-3 onions
2 large cloves garlic
1 red pepper
1 cup red wine
salt, pepper (can and grains), red pepper, savory
2 tbsp flour
100 ml sunflower oil
100 ml vinegar

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Livers are salting well, sprinkle with a little pepper (the second time added and a little cumin), pour vinegar and sunflower oil (about 200 ml) and something like marinade. Slice the onion and add to the livers. Pour the wine and leave to rest for a so at least one hour. Heat a frying pan and fry it in crushed garlic and cut into strips pepper. Pour livers together with the marinade and leave to cook over medium heat. When almost ready and the wine has disappeared, put 2 tbsp flour to thicken, and red pepper and savory eye. So cook another 5-10 minutes and take off from the heat. * Optional finally can be cut dill and parsley and served with squeezed lemon juice.
0 users
What is wine - white, red?
There vinegar and oil in the preparation and are not mentioned in the products - how much are they?
wine is red and the call st vinegar and oil is at eye about 100ml
Total 100 ml? So marinade of 200 ml of wine, 50 ml of oil and 50 ml of vinegar roughly?
In 100 ml of both.