400 ml long coffee (2 cups)
30 g brown sugar
9 sheets of gelatin (18 g)
200 ml milk
1 stick vanilla or vanilla sugar
chocolate chips for Decorations

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Coffee heat and add gelatin leaves 6 (12 g), pre-soaked in a little water. Mix with sugar (you can add more sugar). Coffee is distributed in 4 glasses and leave in refrigerator to set for no more than 1 hour. During this time, the stick is put in a vanilla milk to be flavored, heat and add the remaining 3 leaves gelatin (6 g), soaked in a little milk, add sugar to taste, stirred and allowed to cool and poured onto coffee already gelled and again placed in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Serve with a piece of chocolate.
1 user
Bravo! Very beautiful! And it is something different.
Great recipe, very slightly pudding.
So easy and so different! Bravo!
Will it work with crystallin?
Bravo! Super recipe will try!
really looks super
is received. it is very beautiful. only put it for 1 hour in the freezer because otherwise it would become for Easter
I have successfully prepared, but I did not like. Actually, the aspic jelly coffee milk (whatever had to know it would happen).