5-6 kg green tomatoes
dill, parsley and garlic to taste
# For the marinade:
1.2 liters of water
1.2 l vinegar
500 g sugar
150 g salt
200 ml sunflower oil
optional can add black pepper, bay leaf, allspice

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Tomatoes cut into thick slices, sprinkle with a bit of salt and sugar, mix nice and tilt to drain for about 1 hour (the juice is discharged). In a large saucepan put all products for the marinade and boil boil. Drained tomatoes is passed through the boiling marinade of 2-3 parts, each time to the boil for 1 minute. Wadi and leave it to cool (not your money as you stack the jars). Add dill, parsley and chopped garlic, stirring nice and full jars. Each jar put 1 aspirin. Boil again and pour the marinade jars. Sealing and turn upside down, turn and leave them there until cool.
0 users
I will surely make them these tomatoes. Will be ideal for furniture and for appetizer ...
I guess it will be very tasty. My mother makes pralkani. And will give this idea.
Many are delicious - I eat these tomatoes. If you find the time will do for this winter.
recipe I gave her niece and two years of them I always do the last green tomatoes which remain in the garden. For the first time when I tried last patem in Smiadovo where she lives and were so hungry that she hastily rigged some fried eggs, smoked less and put slaninka of these tomatoes. I generally do not like pickles, unlike the half, but then if that I was very hungry I'd usladiha. And then you do them regularly.