100 g of brown sugar
8 bananas
1 coconut

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Carefully break the coconut juice and save him. Blend 260 g of walnut with 500 ml hot water for two minutes. Add the juice of the coconut. Strain through cheesecloth and squeeze well. Put the juice in a saucepan to boil with sugar on medium heat about 30 minutes, stirring often. Must be obtained sauce, which you pass a finger on the spoon leaving a trace. In a container or a deep dish put 2 banana cut lengthwise in half and pour a ladle of sauce.
0 users
Very interesting sauce, worth trying! Bravo, very glad of such recipes.
is certainly an interesting recipe. Will try. I want to ask about those 260 grams. Walnut, Petya you mean flesh of the coconut? And also whether it can be replaced with coconut?
Hello and thanks for the comments. Yes, Asya 260 grams of coconut flesh walnut. I think it may be replaced with coconut, but will change the taste because they have a specific flavor, but if you like to try it does not interfere. Except I think that 260 g. Sawdust will be much might be wise to put a small amount or just eye lest you assume all liquid. Try and share how it is!