Layered cake Vulcan

Submitted by enr on 19 Mar 2009
2 prepared cake bases
1 kg ice cream
8 egg whites
4 yolks
1 cup crystal sugar
1 cup powdered sugar
1/3 cup cognac
2 vanilla
Layered cake Vulcan
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Sugar and egg whites are broken down into the snow. Gradually add the beaten egg yolks and vanilla. One base is placed in a suitable container (dish baking dish) and sprinkle with cognac. On it in the middle of the cross is poured ice-cream and covered with a second base. The base also sprayed with cognac. Top with the help of a syringe is decorated with the egg mixture. In the middle is placed a small cup or peel of half a lemon (which is carved) - this is the top of the volcano. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and put in a very hot oven for about ten minutes. When pulled again sprinkle with powdered sugar. Brandy is poured into the cup. The cake is served whole and ignited brandy. The surprise is the fact that the surface of the cake is hot (just removed from the oven), the interior ice - ice cream did not have time to melt.
0 users
19 Mar 2009
Fiesta tv


It is certainly a delicious cake, but it's pretty tricky for The performance ie ice cream is not melted, then remove from the oven. Bravo Desi for shared recipe!

It melts, you pull it out of the freezer immediately before making the cake. It is very tasty. And it is not complicated.

Very tasty look!

Wow, really volcano :) well done.

It is quite interesting: :)

very original taste and view