Minor banitsa

Submitted by enr on 24 Feb 2012
300 ml lukewarm water
500-550 g white flour
egg 1
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp sunflower oil
# For rolling out:
200-250 g cornmeal (Malaysian)
# For sprinkling ago Baking:
200-250 ml boiling sunflower oil
100-150 g of sugar
# For syrup:
5 cups water
3 cups sugar
1-2 vanilla
Knead the dough from the products, divide it into four equal balls and arrange them on a floured surface. Sprinkle with flour, cover them with a cloth and let them 20-30 minutes to relax. carpeted workbench with a clean cloth and plenty sprinkle with cornmeal. Take a ball of dough, put it on the table, sprinkle it with her, and the cornmeal and start boring. Sprinkle received periodically with cornmeal crust during precise to avoid stickiness. Grind until you get very thin, almost transparent crust. Pleated finished crust harmonica and put it wound her spiraling into greased with sunflower oil round tray. Do not clear adhering to the cornmeal it and try not to twist during the arrangement in the tray. Do the same thing with the other three dough balls. When all banitsa is arranged in the tray, kindle the oil and then pour plenty. You can hear the squeak of the hot fat when watering it. Sprinkle it with a little sugar and bake it in a preheated 190 C oven until browned. While the banitsa bake, boil the syrup and let it cool. Remove baked banitsa, wait for her to cool slightly (about 10 minutes) and then pour the cool syrup. Turn the pan with aluminum foil and let the banitsa the night. The next day, after having cut it into softened and serve. * The amount of the flour may vary slightly, depending on its type. The dough should be medium hard - suitable for rolling out. * pleating of the banitsa is most easily done on the rolling pin. Transfer Roll out crust on long rolling pin. Lift the rolling pin so that the sheet hanging in the air and collect (push) from both ends to the middle and along. They made you have a perfect, if the folds of the banitsa, after it was roasted and syrup can to unfold as paper.
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24 Feb 2012