300 g white chocolate
100 g butter
60 g walnuts
50 ml cream confectionery
150 g biscuits
5-6 cocoa biscuits
150 g of dried cherries or other fruit
sweet liqueur
chocolate spread for decoration

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Put the dried cherries in a small bowl and spoon sprayed with two sweet liqueur. I could not find cherries and I think successfully replaced them with dried apricots. Kernels poured into Teflon pan (or other suitable container) and bake them on the stove. Putting aside to cool and with a sharp knife cut them. Break the biscuits into chunks. On the water bath or microwave melting the butter, chocolate, and add the warm cream. In a deep bowl mix all ingredients: the melted chocolate mixture, biscuits, nuts and dried fruit. Stir well. elongated shape cakes litter stretch foil. Greased bottom with slightly warmed chocolate spread (so paying the cake is contrast between chocolate) and send down the biscuit mixture. Cover with a piece foil and squeeze well to not remain air. cake put in the fridge for 4-5 hours, then you can enjoy it in the full sense of the word.
1 user
Pepi, sounds to me very tasty (and looks great) :), so I'll wait for the order to *Favorites* :)!
Rennie, the cake is so delicious that I have no words! I told you how slowly cum desserts at home, this would such a fate: one day and gone :) :) :)
Instead I used white natural vokolad - gorgeous cake!