600 g pork loin
4 tbsp (40 ml) sunflower oil
200 g onion
2 tbsp tomato paste
pepper, red pepper, salt, cumin
500 ml meat broth
200 g red peppers
200 g potatoes

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The fat is heated in ceramic dish at 600 W for 2 minutes. Add sliced pieces of meat and bake at 600 W and includes an electric oven (250 C) 7 minutes. Mix several times. After four minutes of putting meat add chopped onion and tomato puree. Once the meat is browned, add the spices, peppers cut into strips and diced potatoes. Pour broth dish holds 8 minutes at 600 W and includes an electric oven (250 C). Add the required amount of flour to thicken the gravy, and kept at the same power 1 minute more. * For the preparation of this recipe is required combined microwave.
2 users
for my little gotvarsi skills recipe is perfect, is very fast and very tasty, I recommend it izpobvate.
ordained yahniykata in a saucepan on the stove. Cumin not put, I do not like to spice up the stew. If you are preparing steaks, I use it with pleasure, a matter of taste! :) It was a good meal!