2 eggs
3 tbsp honey
170 g tahini
150 g sugar
200 ml milk
10 g baking powder
250 g flour type

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Tahini mixed with honey and under stirring until complete homogenisation. To the resulting mixture, the milk while stirring. Eggs are broken sugar foam and them carefully and slowly pour Sesame mixture. Add the flour mixed with baking powder. Pour into greased with sunflower oil cake pan. Bake in a preheated 180 C oven.
1 user
Very interesting cake. Will try it, just want to ask whether it will go with rye flour or graham flour?
stealth puts you fat in the cake? I ask because I like the proposal and want to do the recipe.
Darina, I guess that will happen with any kind of meal. I have not tried, but there is no reason not happen, try :)
Ina, do not put fat in the cake because Tahan is slimy enough!
interesting recipe, and probably very tasty.
Mmm ... delicious sesame cake. We did it with whole wheat flour and became great.