1 liter of pure alcohol 90%
seasonal fruits
1 cup sugar 1 cup each fruit
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Take the large empty bottle of water, pour the alcohol inside and start with the first fruit of the season (for example, 1 cup strawberries well washed) and add 1 cup sugar, fruit next raspberries, blackberries, cherries, melon, grapes and so on, each cup fruit - cup sugar. October, the liqueur is ready for consumption. If you want it filtered through gauze, but I like it and fruits inside. The color of the liquor depends on the fruit that's inside.
Very easy
1 user
years ago and I did it - in 3-liter bottle pour 1 liter of homemade brandy and as you write - put the first spring to the last autumn fruit, incl. and green walnuts. As put fruit, so sugar. A great thing! A drained fruit to be dried can also be eaten.
For me, no blackberries and raspberries, but did not know about the green nuts. Another thing I learned, thanks Ina.
This is a green walnut liqueur. We called him *Walnut* - Ликьор from green walnuts
Now I saw it there, and this recipe is the same, but I do not know how to delete again created work admins.