6 chops
100 ml beer
red pepper, black pepper, savory, salt

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Steaks are seasoned with spices and arrange in pan. Pour beer and water, enough to cover the meat. The chops are baked in an oven at 200 C for about 2 hours, and finally turn and baked for an additional 10 minutes.
2 users
And this recipe I like. Maggie and that both the front and your recipe I really like.
Thank you! We were visiting friends in on Friday, and the cook had prepared them - are very juicy!
Quick, easy and delicious! Do thus chops, but with wine. Will try and beer.
It looks very tasty. I'll do it tomorrow!
Thank you! I am glad that you like!
Hey Maggie fabulous
Today I will test them, because I'm not in use for pork beer and wine only.
Use chops because it will not become so juicy!
Maggie were great. I am your big fan.
Desi, many thanks for the nice words :)
Just got the out of the oven - they are perfect :-)
I have prepared them a few days to ganitura izparzhih fries :) Thanks dizzyflores!