3 steaks
400-500 g potatoes
200-250 g mushrooms
1 carrot
1l milk
spices of your choice

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Chops are crushed and lightly punch with a knife, put in a deep bowl which put 200 ml milk a little to stay so, then each steak seasoned with spices of your choice and again put in the bowl turns with foil and put in the refrigerator overnight. The next day the potatoes are cut in size of your choice, carrot rings, mushrooms and objectives if you are small, everything lightly fry slightly. Steaks from marinade taken out of milk and slightly fry to seal spices may grill pan instead of fry. In clay casseroles or glass dish put the potatoes carrots and mushrooms, put the steaks on top, pour a glass of water or broth and the remaining 800 ml milk Put the lid on and bake in moderate oven at 180C to springs of fresh milk, optional can to thicken with a little flour on density.
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