500 g pork leg
1 cup flour
salt, pepper and cumin to taste
60 g butter
2 tbsp sunflower oil
100 ml beer
1 tsp granulated garlic
300 g chanterelles
100 ml cream
1 onion
lemon juice

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The meat is Cut the knuckle, put it in a suitable container, seasoned with salt, cumin and pepper, add the oil, granulated garlic and beer. All stir well to mix all ingredients. Meat left for at least 1 hour in this mixture, then each knuckle to add some flour and fry in melted butter. Ready knuckle are arranged on a tray. Slice the onion in small pieces Fry it in a small cow butter. Add the sliced mushrooms into strips, sprinkle with pepper. Pour lemon juice to taste, add the cream and stir. With the resulting sauce pour the knuckle and put in preheated oven of 200C degrees to seal - about 20 minutes.
0 users
looks very appetizing! :)
Yes, thank you, and indeed it was. These mushrooms are great and very aromatic :)