1 kg pork-fat meat (cooking)
2 leeks (not too thick)
1 and 1/2 cup bulgur
1 onion
2-3 red peppers bell peppers pickled
1 tbsp paprika
4 cup cabbage soup
2 cup Water
pepper and savory
3 tbsp sunflower oil

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Cut pork morsels for kebab. In a deep pan put the oil and fry the meat until lightly browned. Remove the meat in the pan in which you will bake the dish. In the same fat, put the washed and drained bulgur to pozaparzhi 2-3 minutes and add the chopped onion and leek. Fry until the leeks and onions slightly tender, add chopped bell peppers, season with herbs and pepper and add the paprika, a minute away from the fire and pour into pan with meat. Stir and pour over cabbage soup and water. Try to salt and, if necessary Salt (cabbage soup is quite savory). Insert the dish in a preheated 180 C oven and bake until browned on top and tighten the bulgur, but not very thick. * If you do not like bulgur can replace it with rice or put 1 cup rice and 1/2 cup bulgur, or vice versa.
0 users
recipe has to favorites! With this combination of products will be a great delicacies!
Very tasty it was. Again will make it, because all home liked it.
Dima glad that you liked and home cook her often during the winter season is just suitable ..
is deliciously