# For the base:
2 cup flour
egg 1
100 g butter
3 tbsp cold water
1 tsp salt
# For the filling:
500 g broccoli
200 g chicken breasts
100 g grated cheese
2 eggs
200 g cherry tomatoes
200 ml cooking cream

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On products based knead soft dough and a 1 hour in the refrigerator to rest. Broccoli wash rips on roses and run for 5 minutes in boiling salted water. The chicken is boiled and cut into cubes. Eggs in the bowl, add the cream, chicken and broccoli. Season with pepper. Roll out the dough into a sheet with a thickness of 5-6 mm and spread on the bottom and edges are lightly greased round pan. The pad is pricked with a fork and bake for 15 minutes at 180C. Remove from the oven and spread evenly filling of chicken, broccoli, cream and eggs. Domatchetata halve quiches and cover with them. Sprinkle with grated cheese. Thus prepared quiche bake another 20-25 minutes until ready. Quiches is delicious both hot and cold.
2 users
Looks great and tasty, try it today :)
will not regret it :) Enjoy your meal!
recipe is great! Bravo!
We'll do it!
Very nice picture milena1717, I'm glad that you liked.
By the way, the last time such as preparing slush, swapped chicken leg. It was great.
quiches was very tasty! Thanks for the nice recipe :)
And to me, seems very tasty! I have a question for the dough: butter melted you and how big pan?
perunika, I used olive oil instead of butter, but I guess it can melt slightly. My baking pan is 22 cm. Diameter.
perunika, I leave the oil at room temperature is tender, then play pieces in the flour and knead the dough until it is melted by the warm stubbornness of your hands. My baking pan is about 25 cm, but in somewhat larger will be a problem.
Thank cherry_86 and milena1717, now I understand!
All images are wonderful. My question is can I replace the cooking cream with sour cream
krasi149, I do not think that would be a problem to use sour cream. You just have to break the eggs with the cream well, to get a nice texture to distribute well.