3-4 tbsp sunflower oil
3-4 onions
3-4 cloves garlic
400 g sterilized tomatoes
1 green pepper
1-2 leeks
2-3 carrots
5 -6 potatoes
1 kg pig hearts
salt, pepper, paprika, parsley
1 beef bouillon cube
1 tbsp Maggie magic spice taste or vegeta or Pikantina

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Chop the onion, garlic also cut. Pepper cut into cubes, leeks on wheels in large pieces potatoes, grated carrots. Hearts are cooked and cut into pieces. In the oil put a little onion and saute until browned. Then add the tomatoes, peppers and garlic. After the pepper is tender and is evaporated add the tomatoes and the remaining onion. Stir, add the carrots and leeks. Stew to soften and they and add the potatoes and spices (no salt and paprika) and crumbled stock cube. After pozadushat and fries add pre-cooked and chopped hearts and then put salt and paprika, stir and after a little boil pour water enough to cover everything. Boil until cooked vegetables.
0 users
Yahniykata is quite tempting! I always limiting what can be cooked with hearts and usually do them stew in the pressure cooker. Will try and your option.
tillia, with us this yahniyka became one of the favorite. Hope you like it is with you.
Only to ask instead of pig hearts if put veal whether there will be a problem?
tati124, there will be no problem, but they are a little - tough and will need to pre-boil in - long. Otherwise there would be no problem.