600-700 g pork Chines
200-300 ml red wine
4 onions
4 cloves garlic
2 green peppers
2 red peppers
2 carrots
2 tomatoes
1 slice celery - '20
4 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp flour
pepper, salt, savory, samardala

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The meat is cut into slices that add salt, sprinkle with salt and pepper samardala and salt and crushed. Finely chopped onion fry in half preheated olive oil, add salt and sprinkle with pepper. After acquiring golden color, remove and in the same oil fry the meat by molds and remaining olive oil. The meat is transferred in glass pan, pour in half red wine and leave to stew until the wine is reduced by half. Fry the onion is distributed around the steaks, Pour the diced carrots, chopped peppers and celery and add fuzzy in a coffee cup water flour. Pour the remaining red wine, put sliced tomatoes and sprinkle with pepper and salt. Bake at 220 ° C for 30-40 minutes.
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