5 eggs
500 g feta cheese
1 tbsp baking bread
1 tbsp vinegar
500 g yogurt
100 ml warm water
flour as you take solid dough

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Eggs mix. Add the feta cheese. After it puts yoghourt with baking soda and vinegar, flour finally solid dough. While pouring the flour, add and hot water. When mixing is impacted 30 times in the table. When finished was allowed to stand for 30 minutes. It make small balls that are rolled like small buns. Bake on a hot plate, a Teflon pan or fry.
1 user
Ohooo if you are like the ones I've eaten just super delicious :) Well done
Gyuzlemi (orig. G & # 246; zleme) are always sach. Fry you are their cakes.
cheese not put it in the dough after Roll the ball on the half put cheese and egg, fold in half and finger clip ends.
And in this way will try the recipe :) Rally is right that gyuzlemite bake sach. And bake sach are delicious. If you do not sach, better to stick pan :)
may deem you sa4a oil
super recipe gyuzlemichki wonderful!