150 ml water
70 g butter
150 g flour
500 g of powdered sugar

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Water is placed in a container on the stove. Add the butter and when the mixture boil pour the flour all at once. Stir until the mixture begins to separate from the walls of the vessel. Remove and spread on top to cool faster. When cold add powdered sugar and kneaded. Used to decorate cakes, pastries, etc., can be stained with a dye for food.
25 users
Thanks for the recipe! Name day of my little daughter Nicole, will use it.
Desi, you tried it? Whether you can make roses if you know please tell
Mariyanche can.
Great photos, girls :) straight kindled me now and I can master Roses
Desi dough can it be kept in the refrigerator? and how long?
Good, very good one :)
Wow, all these beauties with this dough you made. Girls you are true artists. BRAVO!
is a bit silly, but can you use it as fondant to cover the cake. My fondant always disgusting and very difficult to work with him. Thank you in advance.
i4eto3421, you can use the marzipan to cover the cake.
made Christmas trees and became great.
A few of the pictures marzipan is snow white, but I like doing it always gets a slightly creamy color. In me there is a problem or just some of the things are made of fondant? And if anyone can tell me what is covered, and become shiny? Thanks
girls, I see that all your beauties are professionally made, but I have a question, just by keeping the recipe is it possible all this sugar to be taken, it is not a lot of sticky-at least to me so I get started remains in my hands. Can anyone explain DETAILED PROCEDURE mixing of the dough, Takacs to become a plasticine
I read your advice and I write what I created. Thank you very otzefchivi!
succeeded! -Very THANK YOU! -slozhih all sugar and a little more doporasih but really becomes like plasticine and work easily. TRUTH IS IN SUGAR-for those who like me learn.
Today I will try to do Gormiti, for a detska cake if successful will make you a picture.
And okay to eat or very hard when it dries?
I tested the recipe several times and I must tell you that it is easier to work and be eaten. Work bravely and as I said bellow the truth is sugar.
It is very important if it is covered cake is cold, otherwise the dough begins to melt.
Girls, I see that may be made in different colors and my question is: What fight do you use? Do not get any liquefaction of dough.
I personally use the most ordinary, powder painting eggs.
For the first time I tried this batter and was great! I made roses and figurines, you figure out how to upload photos! Tomorrow we will finish the cake and it will shoot!
Nincho, BRAVO! Your cake is very beautiful! A recipe for it? From here you? I'm about to me again making cake ... gather ideas:-)
Ehaa! Incredible craftsmanship! Congratulations, nin4eto!
Thank you, this is my first cake with marzipan Varna! A cake itself is finished cake, pudding and cream is very bananas. Yet to learn how to bake cake and creams to do!
Many people have tried and have made great beauty, bravo! I do have another question - far removed from the pan, the principle is as Tulumba. From there, no other heat treatment ... Okay to eat this decoration? Flour because it is raw or ...?
Many thanks for the great recipe! The dough is proven and easy to handle. Will get a picture of the cake. I love to delve through various recipe and find appropriate for a given case. Slanchev hello from Spain, girls!
thanks for the recipe. I made three cakes, because for the first time and do the third is where people had to be done, ha, ha, ha. The first was gadnichka
but the second and especially the third became the top. maltsipana really becomes easy processing for awhile in the refrigerator and then let him relax overnight at room temperature, as is screwed. Very important is the oil. Rule Three balls with three different types of oil - one hard was spreading - chopping and crumble at the edges. tretot became the best, but there put less sugar - had to Roll a great crust - the cake was as baking pan oven. and say most easily works as roll on packaging film and then easily turns on the cake. I uploaded a picture, if you will allow see it.
will soon try it, I did not think to delve earlier that my little son having a birthday two days before, but never too late.
lubopitka, Great cakes!
Indeed visitors were fascinated.
It seems very easy :) I rather to try and hope to succeed. My problem is that I have not located the pastry paint until now, but will seek :)
Can anyone tell me how long it can be kept in the refrigerator? The dose is to decorate a cake or 1? Can you make figures and kept ready (colored) in the fridge?
Rally, I do eat this dough - is sweet, has a pleasant taste of butter and flour on I calm down, it is still brewed. Annie, if the cake is not large and can be used the whole amount of marzipan, it can be stored for some time in haldilnik. I store it in a week, I guess might freeze. Secure and napraveinite figures can be stored in the refrigerator, but I personally have not tried.
Thank you, John :) I did it, but do not get white and slightly yellowish perhaps oil. Made pieces and keep them in their hladilnika- nothing there and eat :)
John, thank you, dear! Already thought that no one would answer me;-)
blank and I felt, but I put roses on cream the next morning they had let go a little paint, and those who had not budged on chocolate. Cream I was cold.
Thanks for the ideas.
Now I tried, but I liquefy it omesih with powdered sugar, Why?
must be well IZTINALO and then kneaded with icing, you may not be warm testoo importantly be well iztinalo.
i4eto3421, congratulations decoration joyful, reminiscent of spring.
Mmmm yeah ... it was warm dough, but continued to interfere and add more powdered sugar about 1 kg, but became perfectly ...... I did an experiment: I picked a small ball and soluble lesser extent forest fruit with very little water and over colored marble and became pink color ... Now is wrapped with nylon and is in a box in the fridge ...
Nelly, that was the idea, be very spring :) I made it to my mother for birthday / March 31 /. And to me, happened to me the first time the dough to remain liquid. It was not warm, but doubted oil.
Hello! After many experiments with this registration manage to turn. And I tried, but it was not very successful. Interestingly I've done it a few times by now without a problem and suddenly - failure. I can not understand why. While whisking it was convinced that he had received perfectly. As I tried to do figures saw that is sticky and soft. I put just 500 g. Sugar. What do you think is the reason?
arri, it mixtures with more powdered sugar until you become successful.
Put more powdered sugar. in this recipe I made it and I my dough and I went 1 kg of powdered sugar ... So the more the better. Do not throw and domesvay with tris ...
Thank you, girls! And you found a way to become white, not yellowish. I see that another thought on this issue. I think this is the oil and there is no way to avoid, but still. Probably because it is yellowish, as I put blue paint and became something like mignonette. Not that it was bad, but how then will become blue. And the last question - for newcomers - see you discuss photos - how to see them.
I want to ask if anyone has heard, whether you can do something like this dough without sugar, but the herbal sweetener - Stevia luxury. I understand powdered sugar acts as a binder, if there is another option for hardener.
and I would be interested in varinat sugar because he izbyagvyam, but I think that's what can not happen.
I wonder whether the egg protein powder can replace the function of solidifying sugar