80 g vanilla cream Ole Dr. Oetker vanilla cream or another of your choice
125 g cream cheese
200 g sour cream
200 ml milk
powdered sugar to taste
10 g gelatin
fruit of your choice - fresh or drained from compote
ready cake base, ready cakes, cookies, biscuits or similar of your choice

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Gelatin soak in about 50 ml water, swell put on the stove and stir constantly, until it liquefied and clear, but not boil. Removed from heat, allow to cool slightly, and during that time the first 5 product mix to a smooth cream. If the cream looks thick or lumpy, you can add more milk or juice compote, until desired consistency is reached. Add the cooled gelatin and mix. At the bottom of the silicon mold cake rank desired fruit, covered uniformly with half of the cream, one can dispense slightly warmed jelly fruit, which is evenly distributed and leveled half cream, which can be Add a little chopped fruit. On top of base can serve cake ready, cut into slices, biscuits, biscuits or ready cake base, and homemade cake or base. The base may be slightly moist with milk, juice or compote. The shape is placed in the refrigerator - to toughen the gelatin into the cream. When finished (after about 2 hours), the shape is given to the tray. * In the absence of a silicon mold can be used glass or some other form of cake, but before turning parfait is necessary to immerse for 10 seconds in a bowl of hot water. * Instead of feta cheese, cream can be used 150 g of yogurt. * Do not use fresh pineapple or kiwi - parfait with them will be set.
2 users
Very easy, delicious and light dessert. For crust I made ground biscuits mixed with melted margarine. Milk swapped to sour. Cream *Ole* and also I had to put this 400g sour cream and 20g gelatin. I.e. I adjusted the recipe to products which had :)
I am glad that you liked ratseptata. Indeed, various interpretations and it always :)
Very light and delicious cake! Instead of cream cheese used yogurt. I do biscuit base, but at the last moment shattered in cream biscuits :) The pink color is soluble soft cherry.