1 cup (200 g) walnuts
2 cloves of garlic

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Walnut kernels are crushed together with the cleaned and peeled garlic and salt, pour hot water (to get an average of thick porridge) and broken down to graying. Pour the mixture into a bowl and served with warm pita bread.
3 users
This recipe know it from her grandmother. Is great. Try and you will not regret.
Jump is great. Oh how delicious smells!
Oh, I love it with soda bread.
It is very suitable for fried carp.
Always on Christmas Eve at the table present similar appetizer. Products are crushed chesan- Chapter 1, walnuts - 1 cup, 2-3 coffee spoons of honey, a little water to make a smooth slurries.
All of this is digested very well. Enjoy your meal!
samples, add 1-2 liters of yogurt. Becomes more gently.
By having read the recipe and I smelled. Scary delicious!
Can anyone tell me how pretty the water?
Super became for Christmas Eve, and the rest did Snow White.
I have it too prepare for Christmas Eve! In our country we call RABIES. :)