7 eggs
1 and 1/2 cup sugar
2 and 1/2 cup flour
3 tbsp cocoa
10 g baking powder (1 packet)
1 vanilla
rind of one lemon
# For the syrup:
1/2 cup lemonade or juice stepche compote
5-6 tbsp sugar
# For the cream:
1 liter milk
6-7 tbsp flour or natural starch
6-7 tbsp sugar
1 vanilla
3-4 yolks
# For glaze :
100 g chocolate
1 tbsp butter
# For decoration:
1 cup ground walnuts
3-4 tbsp jam or jelly cherries

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Separate the yolks from egg whites carefully. Whip with 1 tbsp sugar snow. 1 egg yolks with the remaining sugar and vanilla crash of thick cream. To so shattered cream added a little flour (which is complicated baking powder) and beaten egg whites until the quantity and mixing. Add and lemon zest. The resulting mixture was divided into two equal parts. To one part, add 3 tbsp cocoa dissolved in advance in 1-2 tbsp water. Bake in a baking dish or a form of advance bottom is covered with buttered baking paper. Zebra becomes alternately the two colors base - Pour in the middle of the form of the one and then again on it in the middle of the opposite running out to them. Baked base is cut in half with thread. Syrup is prepared by the stove to boil the sugar in 1 cup water, lemonade and vanilla. The cream is prepared as sugar, egg yolks and starch are mixed and then gradually add the milk. The finished mixture is put on medium heat and stir constantly until it begins to simmer to thicken (about 3-5 minutes). Half of the base is syrupy, smeared with half of the finished cream and sprinkle with some of the the walnuts. Cover with the other half of the base. On it is spread and smoothed the rest of the cream. Sprinkle with remaining cake side walnuts, as is formed only only a small edge. Edge (between the walnuts and end) with a spoon decorated with jam. In the medium was poured glaze prepared from the molten chocolate in the butter in a water bath. Can decorate and otherwise optional.
Very difficult
6 users
cakes look amazing. One question - how to put the nuts evenly so top and sides?
A big bravo! Great gluttons for yummy :)
It looks very tasty and ... laborious! Well done.
Required think it a try ... even today, and if something happens ... will add a photo.
Again I am :) I made the cake and added a photo, but it will come later. Not so nice in appearance, but so had already left less than half.
I think to do for the birthday of my husband (17:12) will write how it happened.
Siropirva only the bottom and the top is not it? Would not the top to become dry? Or do as it says without asking !? Ha ha ha
When baking does not want to pick up nice and it was a little harder than it should swamps, but it moist and I poured cream nothing shows. Ha ha ha! Guests liked it, thanks for the idea.
Very tasty look, well done!
10. Sbaking panotna is!
The cake is great. Today made it. Decked it with blueberry jam, walnuts and almonds.
I do make one with two marshes stained with cocoa other remains bright. Once baked and poizstinat with two different sized bowls scissor marshes to rise 3 ktaga large, medium and small. Arrange the following way: the largest circle of light, it circles dark and it -svetliya small circle. Between rounds covered with cream. Above is also covered with cream. The second layer is ordered in the same way, except that the colors are exchanged on the light-dark and placed back.
Vesi, very nice ordinal suggest, but she became a coach, not a zebra ...
Well, my cake is said Shah. The products are the same and to not publish repeat decided to add just the order. It is true that it is not so with zebra pattern. But it is interesting.
Vesi, a great way of ordering. Definitely intrigued me more than the zebra. Will try.
and I do like V_Boicheva and Sym wrote it down that says *Chess*, but this is interesting.Vyprosyt is delicious, but how they say it does not matter
You can see I climbed picture looks like my variyant
made cake but another stalemate will put the other cake and syrup because very dry would I otherwise sweet and I liked
unique cake is very tasty and not heavy in General! Thanks for this recipe I made her about the birthday of mom and all liked it. Will add photos. :)
In what diameter baking pan bake swamps?
Great cake never bebaking paned me always should I obtain. Favorite of all ...
Photo Upload and of course ... thanks for the nice recipe ...