250 g of oatmeal
125 g butter or margarine
1 cup powdered sugar
1 egg
2 vanilla
4 tbsp flour

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Of all the products knead hard dough which remains half an hour in the refrigerator. Formed into small balls, place off in greased baking tray and bake in a moderate oven until pale pink. The finished cookies can be sprinkled with coconut or with melted chocolate.
7 users
nice appetizer for wine are, I add the mixture and 1 pm. H yogurt and 1 pm. H shredded cheese and sprinkle top with poppy seeds or other seeds.
Samira you add cheese and yogurt is not a lot of rare mixture or you add more nuts? A sugar?
On 1h. including oatmeal, yogurt is normal, I do not put sugar, because I do of marbles (meatballs) crackers.
I really liked both. Will give them a try.
tried and sweet and salty version - May I liked sweet more - are just like those biskv Cookies with oats. nuts only Starte nicer. Thanks
me and my daughter also loved us with some exceptions powdered sugar I think is very, became too sweet to me and literally raztekoha balls and had then slice them with sword, and be given square cookies. But overall are good.
biss, sugar can be reduced if you do not meet your taste. I do not know what could be the reason marbles are prone to leaking. Not happened to me.
Oil cookies lose their shape if you bake at low temperature or if when putting them in the oven already been softened. These heat these days, does not surprise me that have penetrated :) If finished balls are soft can put them in the fridge to firm and is important to the oven is well heated.
If slazha of dark flour, will you get? But anyway they begin, will write what happened.
I have prepared them with dark flour were good!
Snow guess that' dark 'meal understand black type meal? If so, no problem, as you are and confident.
Inche and whether there will be a problem if replaced with oatmeal flakes with fruits and nuts?
Ive not think there will be any problem. On the contrary, nuts and fruit will make them even more delicious. Success and will wait for the result :)
liberty little change retseptata- put a little powdered sugar and 2 tablespoons of honey, cinnamon and a little coconut flavor stargotinki in the mixture have a fine :) :)
gerinka9208, made them your own, for which I am glad. Became a new version :)
Yes, very home like them :) They said they are better than bought honey and gives them a very nice flavor :)
Many tasty cookies! TILLIA, thanks for the recipe. Apologies, but changed her a bit. Instead of flour I added finely ground walnuts and chocolate chip in the dough. Here smimka.
Mile, there is no need to apologize! When you share a recipe, toss the idea. And I'm very happy when this idea develop and share their vision! But I definitely will prepare these cookies with nuts and chocolate - great idea! :) I am glad that you add a photo.
Thank you!
Ina, a great recipe, I added chocolate chips and the idea of janova, and oats do not Mary, just so I put an eye. Received a delicious sweet and thank you very much!
Villas, very beautiful have received at you! The idea of Milka and I liked. Thanks for the wonderful photos added! :)
If only I knew how quick and delicious recipe is ... I am very impressed last night after working for five minutes kneaded dough this morning ten minutes filled two baking pans, and here's a useful dessert. Instead of flour I used strawberry starch, and a little grated lemon peel. I can not wait to try other supplements sweet and savory ... Many thanks, Inche!
Ive really become very quickly. Oh, how I like such additions to any recipe - starch instead of flour, lemon peel! :) Thanks for trusted recipes and share your option! :) Is there a picture?
Inche, no camera. My phone has a camera, but it can not upload photos to your computer. Children have phones with good cameras, but go and grab two uncles (sorry), you do some work! On the phone my son got photos of dishes from the site, cooked by me, but I guess there will remain. I'm sorry that I can not fill the gallery and I, but I can not refrain from commenting when a recipe I won. :)
added to chocolate oat pellets. Were very tasty!
Ive, my situation is very familiar! :) Years ago I used the phone to her daughter. And it was no camera, but that was the beginning. While waiting for her to come home from work, warmed dish to shoot any light came to hear purring *Amman of your photos, we are hungry! *Search your way to upload photos, ask technical pundits home! :)
Eli, here and congratulations! Excellent so you do! :)