1 kg zucchini
150 g mayonnaise
200 ml liquid cooking cream
3-4 tbsp yogurt
120 g cream cheese
2 cloves garlic
1 bunch dill

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Courgettes fried and allowed to cool, during this time makes the sauce in a large bowl put mayonnaise yogurt and everything good stir, then the cream cheese creases with a fork and add along with the cooking cream, flavored with dill salt and cloves and stir everything good to become a smooth homogeneous mixture and add the courgettes and good stir to absorb the sauce. Stay for about 30 minutes in the refrigerator and ready for consumption. I was afraid of cream if you can eat it, but the sauce became incredible.
1 user
already in favorites! This sauce should be tested :)
In my family will definitely enjoy it! :)
try us we like, I wanted to yogurt, but no I did another experiment
Very tasty happened! I put a little mayonnaise and cooking cream (cream cheese emphasized) :) so my sauce is thick. Thanks for the recipe!
bravooo, amazing presentation
E Rennie as the dish is always served very beautiful and enticing. The pictures are very beautiful.