250 g yogurt
250 g of milk
1/2 tsp soda
20 g fresh yeast
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp sunflower oil
1 egg
flour soft dough
200-300 g feta cheese
fat frying

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From those products knead a soft dough. Leave to rise. Short is a small ball of dough, stretch and put feta cheese, sticks remove and fry in heated mekitsi fat. * A tasty without feta cheese. * The dough can make the evening and go to the refrigerator.
1 user
Now I see that the cakes which izparzhih this morning / Delicious cakes / responsible way of cooking this recipe, but I have not put milk. Next time I'll put him. It is very convenient to prepare the dough the evening, so I did.
May I ask, 250g fresh milk that is 250 ml? I started to do the test, but now I see this measure.
can 250ml. milk
Thank you, so I put a note which wonders like me, put 700 g of flour. :)