2 kg strawberries
2 kg of sugar
10 g citric acid

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Strawberries are cleaned by separating the handles and rotting fruits and healthy washed and drained. Put in a large bowl and sprinkle with sugar. So sprinkled leave in refrigerator about 24 hours to let the juice, then cook over low heat until ready from time to time remove the foam generated with a slotted spoon. Sweet is ready when a drop of syrup on the plate, keeps its shape and does not spill. It should be borne in mind that after cooling the sweet concentrated. In order not to sucrose, citric acid is added 5 minutes before turn off. Is poured into hot dry jars, which are closed and turn the cap down. Optional may be sterilized for 5 minutes.
3 users
Villas, very, very appetizing picture! Last year I prepared strawberry jam, but forest. In aromatic something I eat, this year goes well I will roll up sleeves. Plan more quantity neat that great safekeeping of jars :) was just desserts for special cases and use them (unfortunately schoolwork, of course)!
Pepi, I'm glad you liked it, is very sweet and fragrant with homemade strawberry and forest they become repeat dose required :)
Villas with strawberries recipe is a little different, there is the idea of strawberry jam to remain intact and to swim in syrup. How to cook sweet just taught me a familiar - the owner of a hut in the area. Usana (near Gabrovo), and there strawberries Lord gave. :) As I get to the pictures this year, will share the recipe on the site!
OK you will wait for the recipe, but I have to do now your sweet thus almost all fruit and forestry also remain still aims plodchetata not crushed :)
Forest - I mean strawberries and blueberries, raspberries and blackberries because we can not remain intact in this recipe :)
Villas, wonderful served!
Thanks Reni with these delicious cuisine Kielce fly up and do not know how it will be downloaded :) and came lyatooo ... :)
I liked the recipe:) I will report these days what happened to me.
And I do it with all the fruits and berries are whole. Now for the first year will try and strawberries otherwise eagerly wait cherries and sour cherries.
how many jars are 1 dose
very fragrant and delicious jam on receiving I am very pleased. Rather tightens and other time will leave it more liquid. I have measured about 600 g. Strawberries and I got two little jars. So 2 kg. fruit should come out around 8 pieces.
Girls very glad that you like it :) sladkoto Ilianka, thanks for the quick response, really is not much (6-8 pcs.) Depends on the size of jars :) If you want more, you can repeat the dose or straight double dose :)
please advice, my strawberries are larger, should I cut them, I'm afraid not to get too if goals ..
I cut them 2-3 pieces each strawberry. Aside density (my fault), I had no problems. Does not affect the taste of sweet.
Maggie if strawberries are the size of an apricot, better cut them, but if they are smaller there will be no problem with cooking.
Can you do it in the oven or must be a stove?
I only brew it on the stove (so I was easy) but can also be done in the oven, as occasionally stir and remove foam generated.
I unload sugar / 1kg /, flood s1i1 / 2h. h water, put on the stove and a few minutes / sugar must have completely dissolved / add strawberries / 1kg / Brew up mode, as described in the recipe of viliya. From this dose was obtained 4 jars.
made sweet, but according to my taste should put less sugar (1 kg) and less citric acid (about 5 grams). 6 jars came, however, it left a liquid, because for the first time do not know how much it will thicken.