1 kg apricots
500 g sugar
25 g Gelfix Extra 2: 1 * Dr. Oetker *

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Washed and dried fruits are cut into pieces. The contents of the sachet Gelfix Extra mixed with 2 tbsp of sugar and added to the fruit, as is well mixed. The whole was put to boil over medium heat while stirring. After the boil add the remaining sugar and stir well. The mixture was allowed to boil for 3-5 minutes while stirring. If the foam is formed at this point was removed. The mixture is removed from the heat and pour in pre-wash and dry jars. Then the jars are sealed with caps, turning with the cap down and left for about 5 minutes.
3 users
Wonderful pictures, Ina! And my favorite way to prepare sweet :) Some time ago I had bought a culinary magazine, to which there was a small book with recipes for sweet prepared with Gelfix. The proposals were very interesting. There were sweet which added champagne or juice, there were those with chocolate :)
This recipe I try it I have not done never jam, but my question is: do you not put to boil the jars last?
Thank you, Reni! For the second time gel obsession for making jam, 2 different companies. Do not give up and the traditional way :). Each has its advantages. I also have books with recipes of *Dr. Oetker*. There are some interesting proposals.
bebolina, by following the instructions on the package very quickly and easily prepared. You will not pose any difficulty. NOT sterilized jars. Success in the attempt! :)
Ina, season peaches and used your version ready to fix, wonderfully sweet get! In addition, two of vanillin 4 kg fruit, so aroma of peaches, I can not get enough of the taste and try and try ... :)
And I'm threaten peaches and prunes! I'm glad you're happy! :)
Ina, apricots this year I have not done (I last) :) This is a peach. It is great as a color as a fragrance and taste!
iris, Reni - really received great jams of peaches! And I have already made from peaches and plums, but not enough for me time to upload photos :)
A peach peel you, I do I do.
flowers, I peel them.
Thanks Rennie and I peeled them and became very well, the next dose will try with 250 g. Sugar in diet to see if it will happen.
flowers jam peaches peel. Composting can not peel and becomes aromatic.
To make a report, the first time I made as a recipe with 500 g. Sugar, the second time with 250 g. Sugar third time in Gelfix Extra-mingled with 2. L. With sugar and 3. L I added sugar after boil the mixture. The most well according to our tastes is a 3. L. Sugar, but very quickly eaten.
flowers, great looks! Me 500 g of sugar are also my many, but so is the manual and did not know if he will be decreased if the gel and keep for a long time after not sterilized jars. You beat me to try and do! :) Next time I like you! :)
The quantity of sugar does not play a role in gelling ,, is very nice with a slightly sour taste, I mingled my peaches, pears and plums.
Yesterday I bought strawberries from the market and tidy jam in this recipe. End result: deep red color aroma and taste ... mmm, I think I'll have to go jars at a secret place :) :) :)
iris, necessarily a secret! :) I also suffer with any sweet - attacked immediately, then forget! :)
failed to apologize, because you will get non-compliance with the recipe name, but could not refrain to upload photos (not only sweet, but they were very tasty). Ina, thank you!
Very well did you do that you get these wonderful pictures! Jam your ideal! Maybe we should change the name of the recipe, because the way of preparation is the same for each fruit. :)