5-6 pork chops
2-3 onions
2-3 apples
2 tbsp cumin
4-5 tbsp savory
1 tsp pepper
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp paprika
4 tbsp sunflower oil + extra for greasing

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Crisp smeared with sunflower oil. Sprinkle steaks on both sides with plenty of spices. To spices can be added spice for steaks or completely replaced by one. Peel onions and cut into discs. With ciency shows washers are fully covered steaks. Apples are sliced and covered them with the onion, so it does not remain uncovered portion of the steaks. Add water about 2-3 cm. From the bottom of the pan and add 4 tbsp sunflower oil. Bake in the oven at 200 C (top and bottom) for about an hour and a half. Once you are ready to remove the onions and apples, and the steaks carefully scraped from the spices. So pure chops ready for serving, the meat becomes tender and suitable for children and adults.
6 users
meat to be tender as lamb chops, beef tenderloin and pork chops are added balsamic vinegar with smells.
steffanell onion releases juices that help the meat to become tender. Was surprising to me, but since I do steaks still do them and many people have wondered that are so fragile. Once my toothless grandmother of them all ...! Thanks anyway for the tips :). Will try it on the lamb chops.
I know that the secrets of the chef, and fried squid to be tough not stay fresh milk 4-5 hours trying to lamb chops winning.
Thanks for the advice, has a lot to teach man. :)
Let's hope that we will rejoice with interesting recipes.
sladurko, for onions realized ... but would you mind telling me, the role of apples what? Can you without them?
surprising combination. We really liked the steak - absolutely fragile. I even ate and apples. Thank you!
I am glad that you haresala recipe rtodorovska.
Great recipe. And we ate apples :). I added and 3-4 cloves garlic (the second time).
Wonderful recipe! :)
m181, I'm glad that you liked the.
Wonderful recipe! And we ate apples :)
flowers, I'm glad that you liked the steaks. :)
I make them for the second time, I had only apples, but I added garlic powder. Nothing out and scrape - had become like his brain and ate and mestse with spices and onions, baked potatoes with the addition, rolled in spices :) Thanks for the great recipe - fine by me!
Dorothea, I'm glad you and you hit it. Removing the spices is because many people with sensitive stomachs and it angered them, and if you put plenty of spices, as you would have become really tezhichki steaks, although very fragile. Pleasant appetite :)
Sladurko not overdid with spices, so I ate them with them. But I will admit that I added a sauce 100 ml beer mixed inside one teaspoon mustard and soy sauce :) The recipe is so simple and beautiful that tolerate all tastes upgrade - peppers, mushrooms, whatever your love. It's why we are here - to exchange various whims and samples :)
Dorothea, I did not mean to offend anyone. I chestichko change recipes. Just wanted to clarify some things about the recipe (as it was for spices and removal from steaks). When you try a new recipe and I read the comments so I can draw your attention to something that is specific to the recipe.
Ah, no one is offended here :) Just clarified why I did not remove them :)
I'm sorry, but I did not like and did not become brittle.
roksana555, sorry I have not yet had the chops to you.