130 green figs in milk maturity
2 kg of sugar
10 g limontozu
1 tbsp blue stone (copper sulfate)

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Prepare only a certain period of the year - 10-24 May . Work with rubber gloves, because you might be allergic to the sap, which placed figs. Trimmed cleanly stalk and punch figs in two places with a fork. Boil 4-5 times for 5 min. The first water put 1 tbsp blue stone. It keeps green figs. After each brew was cooled with cold water, and squeezed gently to complete flattening, but not break. My idea - make it spin in the washing machine of 600 revolutions / minute - it perfectly. Finally remains semi - green rolled smokincheta. Boil thick syrup of sugar and 600-700 ml water. Pour figs in syrup. They will inflate and gain its original shape, and when they cook. When this happens, check the density of the syrup dry porcelain saucer that less then relax. If well, stop heating and put limontozuto. Sweet immediately packed into jars (recommend wider) - first figs, then make the syrup. Close the cap does not need further sterilization. Well-made jam is light green transparent syrup.
Very difficult
2 users
by deciding to buy a new washing machine will make this sweet!
is really labor intensive, but worth it. Laundry I had not thought I squeeze them by hand without overact. It is very tasty sweet!
becomes deliciously sweet and worthwhile. Bravo!
I love fig jam ... but another me do)
First start with the excuses :) So far I have not done in the traditional way sweet, always use gel fixe Dr. Oetker. I do not know what I did as expected, however the outcome is tragic :( I followed the recipe exactly, but ... when it came to determining the density of the syrup, many have set. I spent a bit of it to cool (first picture), but it was not thicken enough and so I continued to brew. Twenty minutes later the pot I was no sign of syrup, even figs began to tan. At first I got angry, but on reflection it appeared that all of a sudden I got a wonderful candied figs, which I use to decorate cakes :) :)