1 egg
1 package dry yeast
2 cup flour
1 tsp sugar
pinch of salt
stuffing of your choice - sausages, mushrooms, cheeses, vegetables and other

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Yeast dissolved in 1 cup lukewarm water and a spoon of sugar, add flour, egg and salt. All good stir with a spoon, the mixture should be as kind cake batter. Pour into possible large greased and floured pan, using a spoon to raztila nice and evenly everywhere. Allow to rest for 20 minutes and garnish to taste. Bake on lower BBQ for about 25-30 minutes. Obtained a very thin and crispy dough without kneading and without sharpening.
125 users
Well done, good idea for busy housewives.
I loved! Will try. This is a super facility.
AMAZING get, and will not say how easy - for 3 min. And stir the dough is super successful. Will never interfere. Thanks for the recipe and BRAVOOOOO.
awesome! Bravo, already Bookmark
Sachet, thank you for a super easy recipe! Just tasted pizza ... mmm, fantastic. I could not decide what pan to use, but next time will use square pan on the stove.
It is very nice. I also two baking pans rule. Even the next day is nice.
Really is great. No time over. Now go dapravya yet that did not go anywhere. And it does not take much time.
Fast, easy, delicious! Bravo!
Incredible Pizza eyy, bagodarya lot of shared recipe, only it will do from now on. : P
Along a slightly ridiculous argument I decided to register and to congratulate you! I am glad that my pizza you liked, as seen from the link the recipe is tested and repeatedly praised!
For best results, bake baking pan in the oven!
Congratulations! Try it last night and it was worth. It was very tasty
incredible taste amazing time! Awesome!
The children love pizza. Why I missed this nice and easy recipe. Will try mandatory. Bravoo!
Tonight I made it, great pizza, thanks for share with us the recipe! Next time I will do a double dose. Bravooo! Quick, easy and delicious!
we like to try it on me again
is great, very tasty
very tasty
Today I tried the recipe. My daughter loved it and eat *for two pieces' :) This is my greatest satisfaction and recognition in eternal and diets ...Thank you, Sachet !!!Thank you share it to advantage and we ...
I made pizza several times, the children loved it. Tried and fresh yeast May with her more I like it!
always voted for the facility but for how fresh yeast to put me are not acknowledged is not the initial rising very
pizza is great. Already I worked on it a few times. Last time I put half a bag of fresh yeast / 20 g /.
great delicacies. my son loves pizza and a pleasure to progotvyame often. always with fresh yeast
How many degrees bake?
I bake at 220 degrees to the lowest level for about 15-20 minutes, but I think a lot depends on your oven to bake evenly and the dough and filling, my first became gletava but spent things.For fresh yeast do not know when you have tried and it means everything is OK, me dry my ease and original recipe with her.
And the result and I was delighted and decided that more people need to know, I thank ca Maya!
It is really great. Soon will gather several families sign and I think it made. Thanks for the great recipe.
tip of the *ice cream* - is perhaps the pizzas. Great, Great, Bravo and thank
Sachet, this recipe is super! Bravo! Square pan on the stove is ideal dose. The band is delighted, I also will henceforth is standard pizza dough at home. Thanks a lot! :-)
Very good! Tonight I made. Liked them to my boys!
sounded very interesting, her photos are great, the comments also will try, because I adore pizza.
is great!
Alexandra, congratulations for the great recipe. Very easy, very fast, very tasty pizza. I made it into Saturday, the result - super successful. When a person does something for the first time ever expected a sucker (or at least to me so), but that did not happen. My first attempt was more successful, my son was waiting to pull out oven pizza, I decided to photograph, but could not. Will surely prepare pizza more often than before. The recipe is very appropriate for working women and mothers is fast and at the same time - incredibly delicious.
Thank you very much!Great recipe!Yesterday January prepared and approval was universal.Pozdavleniya !!!
I have a question: - measurement in cup how many grams is meant for 1cup? Thank you!
I weighed products and 200 ml and 250 ml glass. In both cases, he was a perfect pizza. Bake it into a square pan on the stove. For me no matter what capacity the cup. Dough again becomes like your cakes.
Thanks for the quick response! I made her yet, I think it was a very nice, but yet it tasting dough :) I became quite thick, sticky! But I managed with the help of a greased spoon to raztelya baking pan! Thanks ...
Many successful recipe. Always gets. We had her yet many times. Great. A dough is most easily spread with wet hands.
well done, very tasty pizza. It is so nice 4f need to Barca other.
Try it, is super! Bravo!
Great recipe - quick, easy and delicious! I upload a picture.
Bravo! Really easy recipe. Already in favorites. :)
and I do not get the dough is quite sticky and gysti difficult to razteli baking pan :(
I deliberately do more densely.Pour a few places in the pan and spoon to tousle the joining of the parts.
Economical and fast. Will often do! :)
Thank you for the great recipe! First make pizza - really good!
Quick, Easy, Tasty! Great-recipe Thanks Alex!
recipe is great. Fast, easy, tasty. Finally will not interfere
pizza made it twice, but both times stuck to the baking pan, despite that he namaslih well. My boys like this more, which interfere.
pizza is perfect obviously something you're wrong. use baking pan with non-stick coating and after namaznyavaneto sprinkle with flour for cake! Home often you do and everything is eaten!
Indeed, the pizza is perfect. There is no way the dough will not stick if the pan is oiled. I do this pizza every week. Always gets, and I personally think that there is no difference in taste between *meaty* and *confused* dough, as with yeast. Last Saturday I made pizza with equal parts wheat and rye flour. Again a great result.
Mmmm, freshly made pizza and it was great. We'll get a picture. Congratulations to the recipe. I put my case and baking paper to not stick.