2-3 salmon fillets
20 g butter
in about 5 tbsp sour cream and water
salt, pepper
mushrooms optional

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Saute fillets in the butter, then the valley water and sour cream. We leave them to simmer on low heat for about 20 minutes, season with salt and pepper and serve (in the meantime, we could shred pieces of mushrooms to the sauce). * The recipe became successful and bluefish fillets.
1 user
Rules I have this salmon and know that it is very tasty! I would not add mushrooms, because somehow I can not quite scent taste of sea or ocean fish (but that's my opinion).
Hello from me. I would recommend for this recipe, salmon without bones! Leave you with bone fish swimming in sauce, be it water, cream, dill, mustard, lemon, wine, tomato or any other, then we have a little problem with the bone plate. The recipe is lightning quick and easy, but in this type of cooking fish, even no need for pre-browning. Thus, during the simmering over low heat rather would take all flavor of spices, rather than hinting at Fried.
Thank you, Milena!
how much water make up
He wrote it in products *in about 5 s. L. Sour cream and water.'