6 eggs
80 g sugar
60 g flour
1 tbsp cornstarch 1 vanilla
250 ml pastry cream
50 g jam berries
50 ml milk
1 tbsp sugar +2 tbsp pom
50 g soft butter + 50 g of powdered sugar
500 g honey-sugar dough ornaments

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Separate the egg whites from the yolks. Beat the egg yolks with sugar until blanching and add the flour, cornstarch and vanilla. Stir gently and add egg whites broken down into hard snow. Stir gently with a spoon. Cover a rectangular baking dish with cooking paper greased with olive oil. Pour the mixture and bake at 180C 10-12 minutes (or according to the stove). Meanwhile, whipped cream well. Slightly warming up milk, sugar and rum. Subtract the base and let it cool, but not completely. Remove the paper. Cut into three strips, syrup and smeared with cream. Using a small spoon put here and there in places on the cream of marmalade. Roll up one roll of tape and place it upright in tray. Take the other band and touring with her roll as lightly pressed. Same with the third band. With nylon foil Snuggle well as plenty of tightness in the lower part and the tip to obtain a form of pumpkin or globe. Leave for an hour in the refrigerator. Beat well the butter, which are left at room temperature with powdered sugar. With this mixture well plastered cake smoothing where needs may poizrezhem to form a good cake. Decorate with sugar dough. * Виж recipe for honey-sugar dough to decorate cakes
0 users
Wow what a miracle you create, congratulation! I guess that is very tasty!
Wonderful! Bravo!
Great decoration. I guess the taste will be great.
Thank you girls if he would certainly buy you. The children were delighted and very happy!
I like everything - the recipe, and the idea and decoration. Congratulations!
it is true shedyovyr - fantastic
Thank you, thank you, thank viiii of sartseeee!
Another exquisite cake! Bravo, Petya!
Petya, what should be the size of a rectangular baking dish?